Thursday, June 28, 2007


A Wrinkle in time by Madeleine L'Engle

I found this novel to be absolutely delightful. It has a wonderful message about the beauty of each individual's uniqueness and how important our freedom of choice is.
Meg Murry is a teenage misfit. She deals with her differences through rebellious behavior, anger and by tuning out the world. Her 5-year-old brother, Charles, is also odd but he wisely chooses silence as the best way to deal with his detractors. The Murry family also includes a scientist mother and ten-year old twin boys who are as normal as possible. Unfortunately the father has been missing for two years and gossip in the small town runs rampant. Meg is determined to find her father and with the help of Charles, a school mate, Calvin, and three old women, an adventure of a lifetime is embarked upon. A sci-fi/fantasy, the novel keeps you on the edge of your seat as Meg and her cohorts travel through time and space to confront the evil IT and try to retain their individuality aginst IT's overwhelming mind power. My favorite quote is when Mrs. Whatsit compares life to a sonnet:
"It is a very strict form of poetry is it not? There are fourteen lines, I believe, all in iambic pentameter. That's a very strict rhythm or meter, yes? And each line has to end with a rigid rhyme pattern. And if the poet does not do it exactly this way, it is not a sonnet, is it? Calvin: You mean you're comparing our lives to a sonnet? A strict form, but freedom within it? Yes. You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. What you say is completely up to you."
This edition contains an appreciation by Anna Quindlen, "On its surface, this is a book about three children who fight an evil force threatening their planet. But it is really about a more primal battle all human beings face, to respect, defent and love themselves."
As an added treat, the book also contains L'Engle's acceptance speech for the Newbery award. I especially like her closing remark: "A book, too, can be a star, "explosive material, capable of stirring up fresh life endlessly," a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe."
I am debating whether to go ahead and buy the other three books that come in a set with this one. And then, there are four more after that. Any advice?
Rating: 4.75
Posted by Framed at 7:18 PM

Sherry said...
Yes. A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet continue the story of Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace. However, the three books are very different from each other. I think you will like them all.
5/19/2007 8:19 PM
Nan said...
My favorite thing about this book is the house!
5/19/2007 11:47 PM
Quixotic said...
I just finished reading this book too. I thought it was lovely. Will be posting more thoughts later on today.That Mrs Whatsit quote is one of my favourites too. I think I will be collecting the others in the series, might wait a little while though, as I have so many other books to get through.
5/20/2007 4:03 AM
Framed said...
I bought this one at Walmart and the other three were there also. Very good price. Imagine my chagrine when I came home and found I already had "A Wrinkle in Time." I do that all too often. But the Walmart copy had L'Engle's acceptance speech which I found very interesting, especially in light of this challenge.
5/20/2007 7:05 PM
Cassie said...
Are you sure that Wrinkle in Time copy isn't mine? I remember reading it when I was young. So just stack it with the rest of my books. (: I think I'll read it again someday.
5/21/2007 9:10 AM
Framed said...
No, Cassie, it's a brand new book and it was on the shelf with all my other brand-new books that need to be read. But you can have it. What that probably means is there is another copy laying around somewhere.
5/21/2007 6:03 PM
Tristi Pinkston said...
I love this book in the most sincere way possible. What I highly suggest is that you not watch the movie. The movie can't even come close to capturing the book and makes the whole thing seem really dumb, which it's not.I've read the whole trilogy, which rocks, and most of L'Engle's other books as well. She rocks!
5/21/2007 6:47 PM
Tristi Pinkston said...
Um, -- I didn't edit my comment very well, as you can tell by my saying "she rocks" twice. But what can I say -- she really does!
5/21/2007 6:48 PM
Fence said...
I have this one waiting for me. Looking forward to it as there only seems to be good reports of it.
5/22/2007 5:10 AM
sally906 said...
I read this for my banned book challenge - is an amazing book isn't it.I didn't realize there were more in the series - so may have to look them up
5/24/2007 4:11 AM
Bellezza said...
I, too, read A Wrinkle in Time for Carl's Challenge. Well, actually, I've read it several times as one of my favorite books, but for his challenge I wanted to go through the time quintet. There are five in this series:A Wrinkle In TimeA Wind in The DoorA Swiftly Tilting PlanetMany WatersAn Acceptable TimeI find Madeleine to be such a fascinating author, and I love the way she addresses issues of faith. If you wish, you could see what I had to say in my review on my blog. But, you added the wonderful quote from her which I've never read before. Thank you for enlightening me further!

Madeleine L'Engle is my favorite author. I love all of her books (well, all right, I wasn't all that enchanted by The Love Letters)--young adult, adult, and nonfiction. When I need spiritual solace I usually turn to her nonfiction.
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