Saturday, November 03, 2007


The LIncoln Lawyere by Michael Connelly

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly combines the genres of mystery, thriller and courtroom drama. The narrator, Michael (Mickey) Haller portrays himself as a sleazy defense lawyer who will defend anyone and pull any trick to get them off as long as the money's good. True, he does a few pro bono cases but mostly to get his name in the papers in an effort to attract more clients. Those clients seem to be mostly the dregs of society. Then Mickey gets a big break when he is called to defend Louis Roulet, a franchise player (a client who promises a possible 6-figure payout). Roulet is charged with aggravated assault and attempted murder. About halfway through the book, the mystery is pretty much over, then the thriller begins. Now that Haller knows who is the really evil person involved, he has to figure out how to salvage his career while bringing the devil down. The protaganist is extremely clever and is able to frame Haller with a possible murder charge himself. On top of all this plays an outstanding courtroom drama where Haller shines with his courtroom tactics and strategy. There are several surprises along the way making this a fun read for the Summer Mystery Challenge. As in the book, Open and Shut" which I reviewed earlier, Haller develops a conscious during the course of the story. Both his ex-wives still love him so he can't be all bad. Rating: 4
I had to delete my first review on this book since my image of the book had changed to something unacceptable. How does that happen? I know Literary Feline had left a comment but it got deleted too. Sorry, Kitty, can you do another comment?
Posted by Framed at 8:37 AM

Carrie said...
This sounds like a really fun book! I'd like to read it. Thanks for reviewing it.
7/28/2007 9:39 AM
Literary Feline said...
Good morning, Framed. Great review! I read The Lincoln Lawyer last year and was quite taken with it. Haller was one of those characters that I almost didn't like, but I couldn't help myself. I am glad you enjoyed this one.
7/28/2007 9:50 AM
Joy said...
I liked this one, too. I gave it a 4.25/5, so we are very close. :)
7/28/2007 10:31 AM
Ben said...
Yeah, I saw the unacceptable image in my RSS reader. What happened is the person who is serving that image changed it when he saw that someone else (you) was linking directly to his image. By linking directly, you're using his bandwidth every time someone visits your page.To avoid this in the future, you need to serve the image directly from your blog. You'll need to download the image to your machine and then upload it using the blogger interface.
7/28/2007 11:01 AM
ben said...
Yeah, I saw the unacceptable image in my RSS reader. What happened is the person who is serving that image changed it when he saw that someone else (you) was linking directly to his image. By linking directly, you're using his bandwidth every time someone visits your page.To avoid this in the future, you need to serve the image directly from your blog. You'll need to download the image to your machine and then upload it using the blogger interface.
7/28/2007 11:01 AM
Amy said...
I just added 2 Michael Connelly books to my Book Awards Challenge list. He sounds like an excellent author, right up my alley.I have enjoyed my visit to your blog and linked to you so I can come back. Happy reading!
7/28/2007 1:17 PM
Alyson said...
Sounds interesting. I may have to add this one to my TBR list.
7/28/2007 3:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Look up "hotlinking" in google. It's not good blogging etiquette to link directly to an image hosted on someone else's blog.
7/28/2007 3:09 PM
Framed said...
Obviously I still have a lot to learn about blogging etiquette so I appreciate the heads up. It wasn't a great picture anyway, but the book was pretty good.
7/28/2007 4:23 PM
Bellezza said...
Framed, apparently anonymous knows nothing of your character and that you would never deliberately "steal" anything. My goodness, someone got a little chafed and irritable.I keep hearing good things about Connelly, but personally, I could take him or leave him. I'm glad you found such positive aspects of this book.

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